Am I any good?


But don't take my word for it. Here's a few kind words from some lovely people I've worked with.

“Working with Jamie has been like a breath of fresh air, and he brought a truly inspiring level of creativity in terms of both design and copy for our new ad campaign. Our whole company is hugely excited by the work he delivered, and we can’t wait to set our campaign live and see the results. We very much look forward to using his talents again soon to help invigorate our brand and ensure our ad campaigns perform to the max.”

Eleanor Craig,
Brand Marketing Lead

“Jamie’s an absolute professional – a Creative Director who can do strategy, sell and has a great understanding of how to use customer insight to create powerful CRM programmes that deliver. Jamie rapidly critiques the brief and always has ideas on how to make it better. He’s able to take an idea and show how it would work across multiple channels - and his excellent client presentation skills make him someone you really want to have on your team.”

Barbara Elson,
Head of Customer Communications
Holland & Barrett account - Starcount 

“I’ve worked with Jamie lots of times and every time has been a pleasure. When you’re running accounts, business, agencies, you need to be able to trust and rely on people and I could totally trust Jamie. Always coming up with great ideas, understanding briefs at the deeper level and taking guidance well, he made my job easy. Whenever I need creative he’s the first person that comes to mind and I would suggest he’s your first choice too. Aside from the graft, he’s also a bloody nice bloke.”

Ross Keenleyside,
Creative Director

“I have brought Jamie in to work with the team on a number of occasions now and will continue to do so. He is a solid senior creative and has always delivered great work and been an absolute pleasure to work with!”

Kieran Delaney, Executive Creative Director - McCann

“Resourceful, creative, utterly focused and tireless, Jamie keeps coming up with usable ideas when lesser spirits (and talents) would have thrown in the towel. Jamie has a good grasp of strategy, is a good team player and won’t let you down.”

Gerry Moira,
Chairman and Director of Creativity
Euro RSCG London

“I choose to bring Jamie in when the brief needs challenging, when the idea has to be big and when the work demands the most experienced and demanding of creative thinkers. From creating a brand identity for a hostage negotiator turned business listening guru, to communicating complex messages for City proxy solicitors, Jamie’s my man. He’s also good for a laugh, utterly reliable and I believe (having worked with many art directors and designers over the years) way too modest about his talents.”

Katie Bleach,
Good Thought Marketing